KLUK–Fluorocarbon-PurpleGold,Home Improvement Aluminum new Aesthetics


In the new product range of KLUK aluminum, fluorocarbon-amethyst crystal shines, blending lavender and gold, a dreamlike visual feast, bringing you an unprecedented decorative experience.

01 Lavender Gold Dream

Fluorocarbon – purple gold crystal aluminum, light lavender and gold bright intersection, exudes a charming luster, like the gorgeous light flowing in a dream. Like the sunset in the sky and the golden waves interwoven, outline a unique decorative picture, so that the space is full of romance and mystery.

This unique color combination not only reminds people of noble and elegant, but also brings a sense of dreaminess beyond reality. Konuk Aluminum is designed to create a unique home or commercial space with this fantastic color perfectly displayed on the surface of the aluminum.

02 Crystal Clear Texture

The surface of the aluminum has been carefully polished to show a crystal clear texture, as clear as crystal. The delicate crystal texture flickers and flows against the light, adding layer and gorgeous texture to the space, making people feel as if they are in a luxurious crystal palace.

This texture not only enhances the visual effect of aluminum, but also increases the pleasure of use. The crystal clear fluorocarbon – purple gold crystal aluminum will add a unique sense of luxury to your living or working space.

03 Bright and Gorgeous, Full of Unique Charm

Fluorocarbon-amethite aluminum is not only a kind of architectural decoration material, but also a reflection of a luxury attitude to life. Its unique combination of lavender gold makes your space glow with brilliant brilliance, attracting the attention of all eyes, showing your pursuit of quality life and unique taste.

Choosing fluorocarbon – amethyst aluminum is to choose a unique way of life. Its color, its texture, its unique charm, will bring you a new life experience.

04 Be Different, Show Your Taste

Among many aluminum products, fluorocarbon-amethyst aluminum stands out with its unique color and texture and becomes the focus of decorative materials. It will bring a unique sense of luxury to your living or working space, highlighting your taste and personality.

05 Quality of Life, Starting in KLUK

KLUK Aluminum, has been committed to providing users with high quality aluminum products. Fluorocarbon-amethyst aluminum is the best embodiment of KLUK aluminum’s relentless pursuit of quality and beauty.

Choosing KLUK aluminum is choosing a quality of life. Fluorocarbon – amethyst aluminum will add a unique sense of luxury to your living or working space, making your life better.


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